Author Archives: Kalamwali Bai

About Kalamwali Bai

I, along with me...we are on a journey...that's all.

Moment 48


Moment 48

He- (Frustrated) What’s your problem? Why cannot you tell me!

She- It’s not you…it’s I..I cannot live without you…

He- …is that a problem? (Relieved)

She- …But now, I have given up on you! You remain a constant troublesome factor in my life, no matter what! It’s now my turn to decide, do I invest more of me on you?Yes or no?If yes, it’s like dying every day, like now. If no, I might die once and for all. But there are chances that I get myself back and be the person once I was. What do I do? No, it’s not about you anymore.

(It was a well-thought-of speech she had practiced many times in front of the mirror.)

Moment 47


He – “Pray, for prayers have immense power, to make the impossible possible. Your mind will ask, how? Mind only works on experiences and memories. Logic limits your power of impossible. So you pray to silence your mind. Pray!

Me – “Let my life break all traps of logic and touch the magic…”

Moment 46


moments 46

Men are divided in 1000 pieces, each bound to different for different reasons, like many pages in  a book. Whereas for the women, they always make the whole book for one long story. Tear a few or many pages from a man, nothing will change, life will go on as it is. But for the woman, tear off one page, the story will change its course, things will change forever. Men and women are from different planets. Indeed…

Moment #45


Paromita's photography

“When will we reach?” She asks, while looking outside the window, to the setting sun.

He looks deep in her eyes, as she turns her head. He says, “We are here together, now. We have arrived.”

Two pairs of eyes meet….spreading smile in two faces.

She softly whispers leaning on his shoulder,  “Yes, we’ve arrived.” She drifts to sleep with the rhythm of train.




एक कहानी ऐसी है जो
आंसू बन के भर आये,
हमने पलके खुली रख दी
की आँखों से वह टपक न जाये,
धुंदली सी नज़र लिए फिरती हूँ
अब शाम-सहर कुछ फर्क न लाये।

February rain


The morning sky surprised her with its dark shades. “… End of February, it shouldn’t rain…” 

pint-sized stories

Dancing in the rain

Although her dreams always had the sparkling blue skies with golden sun beam, silver lining is not what she looked for in the real clouds. Clouds were always welcome in her sky. She loved it when it rained. She loved to watch the soil, the roofs, the roads, the vehicles, the leaves, the branches, the birds, the dogs by the drain, office goers, the hawkers, getting wet, bit by bit. She loved to listen to the world orchestrate with the rain. Her mind traveled to faraway with this rhythmic harmonization.

While keeping herself dry, she watched them getting drenched from the window. Among the wet beings outside, she looked for those who were actually feeling the rain. Like the other day, those two puppies found a plastic ball in the overflowed drain, and played their hearts out in the rain. Their joy was infectious! That day was marked as “Special”.

…Today she is waiting for the unseasonal rain. “The Nature is about to surprise the world.” She is feeling amused.

Some people feel the rain without even touching it.